Jess Griffiths and Johnny and Blitz

Topline Veterinary Physiotherapy is the proud sponsor of Jess Griffiths and her two horses Johnny and Blitz.

What Jess says about Topline

“I have been riding for as long as I can remember! Now 21 and studying at University I have 2 horses, Johnny an 11yr old warmblood gelding and Blitz, a 6 yr old KWPN mare. I have competed on numerous BYRDs (British Young Riders Dressage Scheme) teams with Johnny and qualified for the nationals at both Novice and Elementary. Now concentrating on Blitz (pictured below) she has started her competition career well being selected for the senior inter regionals in 2011 and recently qualifying for the Area Festival Novice Open Championships.

I first met Felicity about a year ago and through chatting to her about myself and my horses she agreed to come and have a look at us all. I have noticed a vast improvement in myself as well as my horses following the careful treatment that Felicity has provided. Not only does she treat you there and then but she provides a tailor made plan for you to follow to prevent the injury/problem from returning. It is great to have a physio that understands the demands that riding puts your body under and helps you not only to improve your posture but your position aswell. She recently used some Kinesio tape to help promote a better riding posture which definitely helped and made me more aware of my bad habits and correct myself.

Both my horses love a visit from Felicity and they always feel great after she has loosened them off. She has made me very aware of how invaluable a physio is to both you and your horse. Johnny can often be tight in the neck and finds collection a little harder, so Felicity works on his hind quarters especially to help him come through more from behind. His work is always improved after a visit. And Blitz, being a mare, can often hold herself tight through her back so regular visits from Felicity really help keep her soft and supple allowing her to perform the lateral movements with ease. She is a bit of a drama queen and soon lets me know when she feels she is in need of a treatment as she starts to struggle to let go and swing through her back.

Felicity is now an invaluable part of mine and my horses routine, keeping us all supple and ready to compete and perform at our best (as well as swapping baking tips!!)”

Jess Griffiths

Both my horses love a visit from Topline Vet Physio, and they always feel great after she has loosened them off. She has made me very aware of how invaluable a physio is to both you and your horse.

Jess Griffiths

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